Sunday, September 2, 2018


Google adsense is a very popular ad company.It allows advertise to create ads and posts ads to advertise their businesses.It also allows bloggers to put ad in their blogs for marketing purposes.It also pays the blogger according to the views or the clicks on the ads.


  • Google has a lot of strict rules hence in order to prevent your account from being pulled down then you must obey the rule
  • Google does not allow the free domains given by web builders hence you must get a custom domain
  • For those using Blogger Google is easily integrated to your blog
  • If you live in China or India then your custom domain must  be active for the last 6 months and above
  • If you want to sign up to Adsense then your blog must be genuine.Do not copy and Paste

How to sign up

  1. Go to Google adsense
  2. Click on "Get started or sign up now"
  3. Click sign in
  4. Enter your email account
  5. Enter your website domain
  6. Select language
  7. Submit the application
  8. Hope you get approved
Google Adsense is very profitable.It is also very kind if you do not abuse it by following its rules.Hence to avoid the risk of being on the wrong side of Google then you need to read its rule 

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